To my grandchildren,
I am writing this post on January 6th, 2021. It is noon, Seattle time. In Washington DC, an attempted coup is underway. Trump supporters have flocked to Washington DC by the thousands and are attempting -- right now, as I write -- to take over the US government. I seem to use these words a lot on this blog, but here they are again:
Congress is meeting today to certify the electoral votes for Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. This is normally a simple procedural event, barely worthy of press coverage. This year, though, some Trump supporters in Congress decided to attempt to subvert the will of the people and insert Trump for a second term.
It’s blatant sedition.
As is what’s happening in and outside the Capital Building right now. Yes, inside. Thousands of domestic terrorists, with Trump’s overt encouragement, have violently stormed their way into the chamber where Congress was meeting, with the specific attempt of subverting democracy.
Sound familiar? Holy shit. (Sorry, my dears – Omi is upset and scared.) This is not at all unlike how Hitler came to power in Germany in the 1930s. Hitler – I mean Trump - is actively encouraging the protesters. Trump unleashed this. He is enthusiastically egging them on – FROM THE OVAL OFFICE!
This coup is happening as I write. I have no idea how this will end today. But I DO believe that democracy will prevail, that Biden and Harris will be inaugurated on January 20th, and that a very important message will shine through: THIS IS AMERICA. THE PEOPLE will prevail!
Appropriately, today’s post is about the political background in Germany from 1939 to 1941 – Hitler’s “glory years.” It’s chilling to be posting my father’s words about that time in history as the TV in the background in my office documents the terrifying political situation in our own country.
Here are my father’s words:
The political background:
On September 1, 1939, Nazis marched into Poland from the west - and, as is often forgotten, the Russians marched in from the east. Starting with that Blitzkrieg[1],” Germany – and the world – changed forever. Every single aspect in the whole world, and certainly every event of my own life until the end of this book and beyond, was overshadowed by the Nazis on that date in September, 1939.
The years 1939 to 1941 were the glory years of Hitler’s war on Europe. Germany not only captured Poland, Holland and Belgium, and drove the British forces out of the continent by June 1940, but also conquered practically all of France, Denmark, and Norway. Through threats, diplomacy, and force, Hitler gained control of most of the Balkan states, too -- Hungary, Bulgaria, Yugoslavia, Greece. But his allies in Italy proved ineffective against the British in North Africa, so the Germans in effect had to take over. Hitler hoped that if he staged and won another Blitzkrieg” on Russia, he could even force England (which supposedly he secretly admired!) to submit to him. In June 1941, Hitler did invade Russia, with initial success (*20, pgs. 297-304). But an endless string of reversals to the Nazi conquests were on their way. The USA, against fierce U-Boat attacks, had already started to supply Russian allies with materials. Then in December 1941, after the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor, the US entered the war. And if they hadn’t, I am convinced, I wouldn’t be here to write this.
Decrees issued: 1939 -1941:
In the spring of 1939 (*16, pgs 18 and 30), Goering tried to further define the classification of Jews. (He famously said: “I am the one who decides who is a Jew and who isn’t!”) In his decree, he defined a “privileged mixed marriage” as one between a (racial) Jew and a non-Jewish spouse, whose children were not being raised in the Jewish religion. That new distinction became vitally important for my father and our family. Because of his mixed marriage status, my father did not have to wear the yellow Star of David on his clothing to identify him as a Jewish “enemy of the people,” as did other Jews. However, he was forced to assume the middle name of “Israel.”
He was much less likely to be deported to a concentration camp (although he was forced, for a short time, to do shovel work at the airport). It turned out that the physical freedom of us “Mischling” offspring was even more restricted than his. No one in our family was forced to live in a Judenhaus -- apartments that converted apartments, houses, and villas into local ghettos. My father was not forced to become a member of the Reichsvereinigung der Juden in Deutschland[2], an association whose lists the Nazis used to identify Jews (*16 - pg. 32). He was, however, forced to always identify himself with an ID card with the big letter “J” on it. Unlike non-privileged Jews, my father did not get reduced food ration coupons marked “J,” and he was free to use public transportation, own typewriters and pets, get newspapers, and have his hair cut. In most other respects, the “privileged” Jews were subject to much the same repressions as “non-privileged” Jews. “Privileged Jews” in Germany suddenly became a distinct classification. But with that law, Mother became the one and only “guardian angel” for the family, on whose very existence the welfare and survival of her husband and three children depended.
February 17, 1939: (*13 - pg. 282):
For tax purposes, all Jews, married or not, are classified as Class 1, automatically taxed at the highest existing tax rate.
February 24, 1939: (*13 - pgs 276 & 283)
Property secured during the Reichskristallnacht are to be returned to the owner. Persons under age 18 who were arrested at that time are to be released from concentration camps.
February 25, 1939: (*13 - pg 284) (From the SS and Interior Ministry: “Not to be published!”)
Everything must be done to encourage the emigration of Jews. To accommodate the emigration of needy Jews, their Reichsfluchtsteuer[3] is to be collected from wealthier Jews.
March 2, 1939: (*13 - pg 285): (“Confidential!”)
Signs reading “Juden Unerwünscht[4]” are to be removed from train station restaurants. (Note: the local train station restaurant was the only restaurant my family would use during that time!)
September 1, 1939: (*13 - pg 303):
Jews are no longer allowed to leave the house after 8 PM.
October 19, 1939: (*13 - pg. 307):
The “Atonement Fee” (Judenabgabe) is raised from 20% to 25% of net worth, to be paid, without demand, by November 15.
October, 1939: (*13 pg. 308):
Jews who do not immediately follow obey any and all instruction, or who exhibit anti-state behavior will be arrested immediately and taken to a concentration camp.
April 4, 1940: (*13 - pg. 319)
Mischlinge of the first degree are to be dismissed from military service with the “NzV[5]” notation in their service records.
July 19, 1940: (*13 – pg. 325)
Jews are excluded from having a telephone connection. Excepted are persons who live in a privileged mixed marriage. (Note that the future Nazi action against us on September 29, 1941 was in direct conflict with this directive!)
October 25, 1940: (*13 - pg 328):
Mischlinge of the first degree my only attend universities in exceptional cases.
November 11, 1940: (*13 pg. 330)
German Jews in the occupied part of France are to be made “stateless.” [Note: my uncle Edgar and his daughter Edith were made “stateless.’ They had fled to the unoccupied part of France. Even there, the Nazis had issued a law to the effect that the French Vichy government was obliged to “Surrender on Demand” (*34 - Varian Frey) any persons demanded by the German government.]
February 27, 1941 (*13 pg. 335):
Any monetary claims of Jewish key employees in commercial enterprises are terminated.
March 4, 1941 (*13 pg. 336):
All physically able Jews are to be put to work, but to minimize exposure to the public, they are to be housed in camps.
July 31, 1941: (*13 pg. 345):
Reinhard Heydrich is ordered to prepare for the “Final Solution of the Jewish Question” in all areas of Europe under German control. (See Wannsee Conference.)
October 10, 1941: (*13, pg. 353):
For educational reasons, Germans who have friendly public relationships to Jews will be arrested and, in serious cases, to be sent to a concentration camp, level 1, for up to three months. The affected Jew is to be sent to a concentration camp until further notice.
November 4, 1941: (*13 pg. 354):
Within the next few months, Jews not employed in important firms will be “shifted to the East.” Their property (except 50 kg luggage and RM 100) will be confiscated in favor of the Reich.
December 9, 1941: (*13 pg. 359): (CONFIDENTIAL!)
Directives will be employed concerning the future deportation of Mischlinge and family members of Jews.
[1] literally “lightning war”
[2] The Reich Association of Jews in Germany”. That organization was primarily used as a tool by the Nazis to control the Jewish population in Germany.
[3] literally: the “Reich Escape Tax”
[4] “Jews not Welcome”
[5] “Nicht zu verwenden” or “Not to be used” or “not usable”
Today was a nightmare, a tragedy for our country. As I watch the Senate now back in session, debating the objections to the AZ vote, I am both sad and yet also reassured. The objections are ridiculous, but at least democracy is back in operation. Trump is a permanent scar that will be marring our history forever.